Canada’s Water, Yours to Protect: A Primer on Planning Together

Canada’s Water, Yours to Protect: A Primer on Planning Together

Sandra E. Smith
Release Date: 01/11/2015
Pages: 262
ISBN: 978I927043325
Price £18.75

Canada’s Water, Yours to Protect: A Primer on Planning Together

Canada’s Water, Yours to Protect acknowledges the problems besetting our water resources and the role government must play. But these are changing times. In response, this book is about the success of collaboration driven by passion for place and encourages citizens to come together to plan for the future of t heir water. In this regard, the book transcends it country of application and offers insight to all nations struggling to more effectively manage their water resources. To give context and help achieve this goal, the book explains who does what and why, and what the future challenges are for eight issues we, regardless of what country we reside in, now collectively face:

  • Deeply-entrenched water allocation systems
  • Ill-protected groundwater supplies
  • Full-cost water pricing versus water conservation
  • Aquatic ecosystem protection
  • Safety from flood damages
  • Future dam construction
  • Control of water export