Retail Area Management - Strategic and Local Models for Driving Growth

Retail Area Management - Strategic and Local Models for Driving Growth

Chris Edger
Release Date: 16/09/2016
Pages: 180
Published: 2016
ISBN: 9781909818880
Price £22.95

Retail Area Management - Strategic and Local Models for Driving Growth

Calling all Area Managers, Operations Managers and Multi-Unit Managers! Tired of reading tedious, long-winded books in order to glean a few miserable insights? This book is the answer. Based entirely upon key strategic and local Models that help illuminate and explain the world of Retail Management, this book acts as a quick and easy reference guide to improve managers’ performance. With 75 key Models grouped around four key themes – Environment, Engage, Execute and Evolve – managers can dip in and out to use models to grow themselves and their district. Already trialed and proof-tested by hundreds of Area Managers who have graduated from the Academy of Multi-Unit Leadership at Birmingham University this book – written by the UK’s leading authority on multi-site management, Professor Chris Edger – is the essential companion for every ambitious Area Manager. 

About the author

Professor Chris Edger PhD is a ‘shortlisted’ multiple author on retail and service leadership.  The founder of the Academy of Multi-Unit Leadership and described as the UK’s ‘leading expert on multi-site retail management' - Chris has appeared on/written for media outlets such as C4 News, ITV, BBC News Online, Propelinfo, Daily Mail, Guardian etc. Previously Chris had a successful career in industry, incorporating many senior positions in UK and internationally owned multi-site service firms. He holds a PhD (ESRC Award) from the Warwick Business School and an MSc (econ) with distinction from the LSE.

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