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Welcome to Green Frigate

Titles published under the Green Frigate Books imprint aim to explore the horizons of the natural and built environments, and the relations of humans within them. The goal of the imprint is to reach its readership by producing works that fall in the cracks between those offered by traditional academic and popular presses. Specific categories include ‘Design, Interiors and Architecture’ and ‘The natural and built environments’. In common with Libri Books, the imprint should be of interest particularly for members of ‘communities of practice’ in the natural and built environments.

Westward I Go Free

Westward I Go Free

Corinne Hosfeld Smith
Release Date:
Pages: 456
ISBN: 9781927043301
Price £18.75

Westward I Go Free

Henry David Thoreau boasted in Walden that he had “travelled a good deal in Concord,” his Massachusetts hometown. In reality, his lectures, surveying work, and natural explorations led him to select areas throughout New England, the American Northeast, and the Canadian East (Quebec). His recurring travels to the Maine Woods and Cape Cod were well documented and have been followed by “Thoreauvians” for decades. Not so, however, his 1861 “Journey West” with Horace Mann, Jr., which took the duo from Massachusetts to Minnesota and back. The details of this last, longest, and least-known of Thoreau’s excursions were left veiled in mystery…until now. This is the story of two 19th-century men and a 21st-century woman who was determined to follow their 4,000-mile path.

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