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Titles published under the Green Frigate Books imprint aim to explore the horizons of the natural and built environments, and the relations of humans within them. The goal of the imprint is to reach its readership by producing works that fall in the cracks between those offered by traditional academic and popular presses. Specific categories include ‘Design, Interiors and Architecture’ and ‘The natural and built environments’. In common with Libri Books, the imprint should be of interest particularly for members of ‘communities of practice’ in the natural and built environments.

Reinventing Architecture and Interiors

Reinventing Architecture and Interiors

Graham Cairns
Release Date: 01/11/2013
Pages: 208
Published: 2013
ISBN: 9781907471735
Price £27.50

Reinventing Architecture and Interiors

The history of design has traditionally been a story of new ideas, new theories and, above all, new construction. However, today, the developed world is on the cusp of a new era. The financial crisis, the sustainability movement and the conservation agenda are all leading to ever more alterations of existing buildings - and ever fewer new build projects. This new condition will have major consequences for all those involved in the design of the built environment both now, and in the future. 

In one regard, the simple economics of new build is bringing into question the need, indeed the desirability, of constructing from scratch.From a sustainable perspective the same picture can be seen to be forming, at least in certain contexts. The material resources involved in new-build make it an option ecologically detrimental and damaging when compared with renovation. Both these issues sit alongside a now deep rooted heritage agenda in Europe and, increasingly, in the Americas, Africa and Asia. Invariably, the arguments put forward from this perspective discourage new build when it involves the destruction of existing valued building stock.

These issues, that will invariably alter the nature of the profession form the basis of Reinventing Architecture and Interiors – a book that challenges the standard view on the relationship between interiors and architecture. Written by international experts it is fully illustrated with contemporary examples. It is an important addition to the literature of architecture and interiors today.


About the Editor

Dr Graham Cairns has taught at Universities in Spain, the UK, the US, Mexico, South Africa and The Gambia. He has worked in architectural studios in London and Hong Kong and in the 1990s ran a performing arts company, Hybrid Artworks, with a specialism in video installation and performance art. He is a trustee of Interior Educators UK and is Chair of their research group IE(R). He has presented papers at various international conferences and has published articles on architecture, film, interior design and advertising. He has written three books on film, advertising and architecture and, in addition to being editor of this volume, is the editor of a forthcoming publication on the role of design and design education in dealing with a the socio-political issues in a number of countries from across the world.

Currently, he is Visiting Scholar at Ravensbourne (UK), Florida State University (US) and California Institute of the Arts (US) and editor of the academic journal ARCHITECTURE_MEDIA_POLITICS_SOCIETY.

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