Images of Authority

Images of Authority

Release Date:
Pages: 240
Published: 2009
ISBN: 9781904750635
Price £25.00

Images of Authority

What is authority? How do you know if you can live with it – in yourself or in others? Is it an aspiration, a necessity, a gift or an accident? Authority is childhood, it is experience, it is situation. To wear it well in a way that takes care of yourself as well as the task in hand is a fine art. Authority inevitably will result in a change of relationship with who you think you are and how people are with you. The one thing authority is not, is neutral.
Based around eighteen off-the-record stories, Images of Authority uses the experiences of film directors, chief executives, research scientists, counsellors and many others to provide readers with material to help them think through the light and shade of their own ambition. It also provides those already in authority, or who work with people in authority, with stories, pictures and frameworks to explore the personal consequences of their position. The actual experience of authority always has the personal at its heart; what this book gives is an accessible way of understanding how the personal informs the professional and how individual history can inform rather than consume a person in a position of authority.