As Memories Fade - Volume 1

As Memories Fade - Volume 1

Steven Lane
Release Date: 05/10/2020
Pages: 112
Published: 2020
ISBN: 9781912969142
Price £9.99

As Memories Fade - Volume 1

In recent years many first-hand memories of the World Wars and other significant events of the twentieth century have been captured in print and on film. Though extensive, these are only a fraction of the collective memory of the people affected. Most of those involved have now gone, but their memories live on through the people they have told – their families and their friends – but this generation too will pass and with them the wealth of stories they hold on to. As Memories Fade will record these stories in a series of books. Inevitably, many of these stories will be based on wartime experiences, but the series extends into other areas of human endeavour. Many are told by their descendants based on memories and research into surviving documentation others are told by the individuals themselves or by those who knew them. These stories are more than extended anecdotes and have a broader theme relevant to a wider audience. There is a balance of stories about both rich and poor, male and female. Some stories may be about prominent people, but many are about ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.

About the Editor After a career that involved working in industry, education and local government Steven is now a publisher and author of fiction and non-fiction with experience of writing for stage, screen and politicians.