All This Stuff: Archiving the Artist

All This Stuff: Archiving the Artist

Release Date:
Pages: 200
Published: 2013
ISBN: 9781907471766
Price £25.00

All This Stuff: Archiving the Artist

All This Stuff: Archiving the Artist explores the documentation of the creative process. From their different viewpoints, fifteen leading artists, archivists and art historians, reflect on ways that artists and archivists deal with ‘all this stuff’, and how artists manage and relate to their own archives.

Introduced by Clive Phillpot, All This Stuff includes artists and writers such as Gustav Metzger, Bruce McLean, Barbara Steveni, John Latham, Barry Flanagan, Edward Burra, Penelope Curtis and Neal White. 

All This Stuff: Archiving the Artist breaks new ground in the field of archive theory, documenting the innovative ways in which the arts are challenging the distinctions, processes and crossovers between artworks and archives. This critical reexamination exemplifies how the field of art archiving is changing theory and practice and our understanding of what an archive is, or could be.

Valuable insights are given into the archival process, addressing questions about what material artists should be keeping and what may happen to it after it has been accepted by an archival institution. This book also explores how archives can be made accessible using original and non-traditional approaches, and the unpredictable ways in which they may be recontextualised, explored and interpreted in the future.

About the editors

Judy Vaknin is an archivist and formerly was responsible for the care and management of archives and special collections at Middlesex University. Her publications include Smoke Signals: 100 years of tobacco advertising (2007) and Driving it Home: 100 years of car advertising (2008).

Karyn Stuckey manages the archives and special collections for architects Foster + Partners. She is Chair of ARLIS’s Art and Design Archives Committee and Secretary of the Architectural Records Section, International Council of Archives. She was archivist for, and presented and published papers on, George Bernard Shaw, Jocelyn Herbert and Stanley Kubrick.

Victoria Lane is Collections Manager for the Black Cultural Archives and was formerly the archivist for Richard Deacon, the Barry Flanagan Estate, the Henry Moore Institute and Tate Archive. She has published on various aspects of artists’ archives.