Learning in Higher Education - Contemporary Standpoints

Learning in Higher Education - Contemporary Standpoints

Release Date:
Pages: 254
Published: 2013
ISBN: 9781907471704
Price £42.00

Learning in Higher Education - Contemporary Standpoints

The authors know from practice that students today are in many ways different from students in the past. Some may say they have a shorter attention span. Others may say they are more focused. Some may argue that they waste their time on the Internet during lectures. Others may argue that, as digital natives, they are using the technology in ways we have not experienced before. Such arguments will continue to thrive in the university sector as it tries to develop and reinvent itself to cope with the change from the industrial era to the digital era.
For the editors of this book, they find this development of the university sector to be a fascinating challenge. Their argument is that this process will succeed only if student learning is seen as the nexus of both curriculum design and teaching practices. Each of these thirteen chapters shows a possible way forward in that respect. As editors, they have no doubt that the cases on collaboration, design, identity and transformation will serve as inspiration for individual teachers, as well as faculty groups, striving to take their own university teaching to the next level.

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