Exploring New Frontiers

Exploring New Frontiers

Derek Osborn
Release Date: 2018
Pages: 246
Published: 2018
ISBN: 978-1-911450-34-4
Price £38.00

Exploring New Frontiers

This latest volume of thought leadership from across the global postal industry is entitled Exploring New Frontiers – Reshaping the Postal Industry. The postal, parcel and logistics industry, as a business ecosystem, is evolving and changing fast as it responds to the challenges and opportunities it faces. Some changes are being driven by external factors such as the emergence of new technologies, so-called digital disruption and the rapidly growing e-commerce market. Other changes, driven by regulation or strategic choices, such as diversification, are partly in the hands of industry leaders who, with their key stakeholders, can decide, or at least influence, the direction they are taking.

In 34 chapters, thought leaders from 22 countries around the world give their accounts of what is happening on different frontiers of this vast global industry sector in the context of the changes that are happening around us. Each reflects their own insights and perspective, told with their ‘authentic voice’. These are not meant to be definitive solutions to current challenges but rather opportunities to explore interesting and important questions about how the industry is being reshaped. The book is designed for readers to be able to dip into topics they are interested in and then use the chapters as a starter to stimulate further thought and discussion.

About the Editor

Derek is an international business coach and postal expert who has co-edited and edited 6 previous books of thought leadership on developments in the postal sector.  He regularly organizes and facilitates international forums, workshops and seminars for the postal sector around the world to share and build knowledge, benchmark good practice and explore new developments.  He has nearly 40 years of direct experience in the postal industry, originally with Royal Mail and subsequently with many postal operators, suppliers and other stakeholders in the sector.  The aim of this book is to stimulate thought and informed discussion about the future of the postal industry.

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