Publish With Libri NTL Institute Books Child's Eye Books Alexander Books As Memories Fade About Us
The award winning DrExam series has been developed to comprehensively address Medical and Surgical Clinical Examination Routines and OSCE Theory, assisting candidates with their Clinical OSCE Exam revision. Material is presented in structured question answer format throughout, covering the most frequently asked, most complicated and most important OSCE topics, supplemented with high-quality images and video material (separate online access, by subscription). This material has been contributed by doctors, surgeons, anatomists, radiologists, clinical photographers and medical illustrators, with each chapter having been written or verified by specialists within their field. What differentiates this book from others is that it is targeted specifically to all Medical Professionals, Undergraduate Students & Allied Healthcare Professionals who want to learn how to examine patients and are being assessed on their Clinical Examination Skills & OSCEs.
Topics covered in detail within this book include: Clinical Examination Protocols, Lumps ‘n’ Bumps, Head & Neck, Cardiology, Respiratory, Breast, Abdomen, Herniae & Scrotum, Stoma, GALS & Rheumatology, Orthopaedics, Hands, Vascular, Neuroscience, Upper Limb Nerves, Communication Skills, Ethics & History Taking.