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Do you have a story to tell?
In recent years many first hand memories of the World Wars and other significant events of the Twentieth Century have been captured in print and on film. Though extensive, these are only a fraction of the collective memory of the people affected. Most of those involved have now gone, but their memories live on through the people they have told – their families and their friends – but this generation too will pass and with them the wealth of stories they hold on to.
As Memories Fade is a project to collect the stories of a passing generation based on memories and surviving documentation – both in the words of the individual concerned or through the memories of their family. Dramatic, tragic or even humorous incidents and experiences – moments in time - that deserve to be chronicled for future generations.
As Memories Fade will print these stories in a book, or series of books. These can include both short stories and full-length accounts. Inevitably, many of these stories will be based on wartime experiences, but the project extends into other areas of human endeavour.
Go to As Memories Fade If you would like more information.