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Libri is a publishing company committed to providing innovative, high quality, challenging publications for readers and a highly responsive publishing service for authors and client organisations.
Try Partner Publishing at PUBLISH WITH LIBRI ... if you can’t find a publisher willing to take a risk on a new author and don’t want to self-publish then Partner Publishing could be for you. We will read and review each book proposal and – if we think it has the potential to succeed in the marketplace – we will offer you a partnership contract.
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Libri Publishing is extending our partner publishing initiative into children’s literature.
Child's Eye will focus on children’s stories from a different perspective. Quirky stories with an edge that deal with a variety of subjects from the child’s viewpoint.
Child's Eye books can also address issues affecting children such as bullying, family difficulties and health. In curriculum terms these titles link in with the area of PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) and can provide the stimulus for valuable conversations.
Child's Eye has to stand out in the very crowded children's literature market so we are looking for new authors who have their own distinctive approach to writing for children. Although our main target is for books that fit with the Child's Eye theme, we will also consider unique works that deal with other topics. The key criterion for selection is quality.