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Titles published under the Green Frigate Books imprint aim to explore the horizons of the natural and built environments, and the relations of humans within them. The goal of the imprint is to reach its readership by producing works that fall in the cracks between those offered by traditional academic and popular presses. Specific categories include ‘Design, Interiors and Architecture’ and ‘The natural and built environments’. In common with Libri Books, the imprint should be of interest particularly for members of ‘communities of practice’ in the natural and built environments.

Interior Tools Interior Tactics

Interior Tools Interior Tactics

Interiors Forum Scotland
Release Date: 01/11/2011
Pages: 288
Published: 2011
ISBN: 9781907471148
Price £30.00

Interior Tools Interior Tactics

Interior Architecture and Design is an ephemeral art, whose raw material is empty space and whose legacy is contested and fragmentary. Compared with more established disciplines, Interiors has received little theoretical attention: visit any bookshop and under ‘Interior Design’ you will find a large number of coffee table books and little else. Interior Tools, Interior Tactics examines what it is that interior architects and designers actually do. Featuring contributions from practitioners and theorists, Interior Tools, Interior Tactics addresses the tools of the trade of interiors and their tactical employment in the creative industries.

Interior Tools, Interior Tactics describes the new professional boundaries, research territories and educational horizons and speculates on how these spheres will collectively determine the future strategies of interior design / interior architecture in the 21st century. The book contains contributions from some of the leading thinkers in the field of Interior Architecture and Design including: Julieanna Preston, co-editor of Intimus, a Design Theory Reader; Fred Scott, author of On Altering Architecture; Graeme Brooker and Sally Stone, co-authors of Rereadings: Interior Architecture and the Design Principles of Remodelling Existing Buildings, alongside contributions from higher education. But theory cannot exist without practice; the book also features a series of debates held between these research contributors and practitioners renowned for their interiors work, from Val Clugston of NOMAD, to Antonia Cairns of DEGW, Kevan Shaw Lighting, NRS Nicoll Russell Studios and the architect Richard Murphy. The rare combination of academic speculation and professional rigour takes the book beyond academia to practitioners of interior design.

The Interiors Forum Scotland (IFS) is a unique collaborative research group established in 2005, representing all the honours degree Interior Design/Interior Architecture programmes in Scotland. The editors are all members of IFS. Joyce Fleming is an active Interior Design practitioner and Interior Designer educator. Frazer Hay is the Programme Leader for Interior Architecture at Napier University in Edinburgh. Edward Hollis runs the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Interior Design at Edinburgh College of Art. Andrew Milligan is Programme Director, Interior Environmental Design at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design. Drew Plunkett is the former Head of the Department of Interior Design at Glasgow School of Art.

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