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The aim of Libri Books is to be the imprint of choice for authors and readers addressing issues in professional/organisational development and management. Specific categories include: ‘The Business of Higher Education’, ‘Health Policy and Medical Training’ and ‘Management Policy and Strategy’. Libri Books are written primarily for members of ‘communities of practice’ which include professionals, consultants and trainers, as well as researchers and academics.

Passport to Results

Passport to Results

Walt Hopkins
Release Date: 15/01/2017
Pages: 32
Published: 2017
ISBN: 9781911450054
Price £15.00

Passport to Results

A wise man once described effective influencing as “the ability to move an idea from your mind to my mind and to move me with the idea”. Those few words sum up what you need to do to influence effectively. Passport to Results is a handy, pocket-sized workbook which should be used alongside Influencing for Results in Organisations, to guide you through that process: developing your abilities, clarifying your ideas, choosing your strategies, connecting with the people you are influencing, and getting what you want.

Based on 30 years of development in 30 different countries Influencing for Results in Organisations combines theory, success stories, and a seven-step planning guide to help you expand your range of influencing skills. It will move you from occasionally getting what you want – and not knowing how you got it—to frequently getting what you want – and knowing how you did it, so that you can do it again. 

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