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The aim of Libri Books is to be the imprint of choice for authors and readers addressing issues in professional/organisational development and management. Specific categories include: ‘The Business of Higher Education’, ‘Health Policy and Medical Training’ and ‘Management Policy and Strategy’. Libri Books are written primarily for members of ‘communities of practice’ which include professionals, consultants and trainers, as well as researchers and academics.

Gestalt Practice: Living and Working in Pursuit of wHolism

Gestalt Practice: Living and Working in Pursuit of wHolism

Mary Ann Rainey & Brenda B. Jones
Release Date: 01/09/2019
Pages: 294
Published: 2019
ISBN: 978-1-911450-40-5
Price £35.00

Gestalt Practice: Living and Working in Pursuit of wHolism

Gestalt Practice is a must-read for organization development consultants, executive coaches, corporate leaders and managers, Human Resource professionals, community and institutional leaders, Gestalt practitioners in general and students who want to learn from renowned experts how to effectively bring about meaningful and sustainable change using Gestalt theory and methods. It will have appeal to those who wish to understand how to use Gestalt in their personal and professional lives.

Chapters highlight tips for application and practice from one of the major categories: Roots of Gestalt Practice, Gestalt Practice at Multiple Levels of System, Gestalt Approach to Change Management, and, perhaps most notably, a section devoted to improving organizational performance. Authors are globally renowned consultants and coaches who are experts in organizational behavior and icons of gestalt practice. Authors examine Gestalt from various perspectives: spirituality, neuroscience, experiential learning, use-of-self, personal presence, coaching, change, technology, leadership, and in villages and communities. The book demonstrates the broad applicability of Gestalt. 

It includes a complete glossary of Gestalt terms that will be of significant value as a handy reference to students who study Gestalt in academic settings and Organisation Development students, professors, and practitioners.

About the editors

Mary Ann Rainey, Ph.D. is an executive coach and consultant with a global client base. Her leadership experience includes corporate Vice President and Vice-City Manager. Her work in Gestalt involves international co-chairman roles and co-founder of the International Gestalt Organization and Leadership Development (iGOLD®) Program. Her teaching includes Adjunct Faculty in the Executive MBA Program at Loyola University Chicago, faculty in the Strategic Agility and Innovation Program sponsored by Yale School of Management and Yale New Haven Hospital, and Dean of the NTL OD Certificate Programme UK. She has numerous publications.

Brenda B. Jones, MSc, is an Organizational Consultant based in the US, with consulting projects in the Americas, Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. She is president of The Lewin Center, on faculty of the American University Key Executive Leadership Development Program and past president of the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science and the AU/NTL Master’s Program in OD. Brenda received the OD Network’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012. She is co-editor of The NTL Handbook for Organization Development and Change (2014, 2nd edition).

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