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Teaching and Learning Innovations in Higher Education

Teaching and Learning Innovations in Higher Education

Kayoko Enomoto, Richard Warner and Claus Nygaard
Release Date: 28/02/2021
Pages: 518
Published: 2021
ISBN: 978 1 911450 73 3
978 1 911450 73 3
Price £42.00

Teaching and Learning Innovations in Higher Education

The latest volume in the Learning in Higher Education series, Teaching and Learning Innovations in Higher Education showcases transformative, theory-informed innovations in teaching and learning in Higher Education. It presents a brand new, unique perspective on innovation in HE – the Learning-centred Five-tier Model of Innovation – which guides educators in their innovation of teaching and learning products, processes, or services. A distinguishing feature of the book is the linkage to the Five-tier Model of Innovation that explicitly relates to three learning paradigms: Instructivism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism. In each chapter, authors situate their teaching and learning innovations in one of the three learning paradigms. 

The book contains twenty-one inspiring cases showing learning-centred product, process, or service innovations within five focus areas: Learning Space Design – E-Learning – Case-Methodology – Business Practice and Fieldwork – Creative Methodologies – Reflective Methodologies.

Cases for the book have been selected because of their novel methodologies, their explicit learning perspectives, and their positive effects on student learning and engagement. The book features diverse disciplines in a wide range of international contexts, with authors from Australia, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Turkey, Vietnam, and the USA. 

Kayoko Enomoto is Senior Lecturer, Head of Asian Studies and Director, Student Experience in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Adelaide, Australia. Her recent publications include edited books: Innovative Teaching and Learning Practices in Higher Education by Libri Publishing (2018) and Intersections in Language Planning and Policy by Springer (2020). Richard Warner is Lecturer in the School of Education in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Adelaide, Australia. Richard has published widely in the higher education field. Professor Claus Nygaard is Professor and Executive Director of the Institute for Learning in Higher Education. In 2010 he was appointed as Professor in Management Education at Copenhagen Business School. Claus has been involved in numerous innovation projects in teaching and learning in higher education including novel approaches to case-based learning, e-learning, problem-based learning and practice-based learning, as well as the development and programming of learning software.

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