
Forthcoming Titles

16 Mar 2017

Please look out for our recently published and forthcoming titles.

CONTRASTS 21c (September 2018)

When the author, Bill Caplan, and his wife traveled to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia to visit and learn about the ethnic settlements in the mountain highlands and river deltas, no book was intended. They sought only to meet people and explore their environs. What transpired instead was an eye-opening experience about human adaptability, the incredible contrasts between rural and city life still present in this 21st century, a reflection on life's values. They returned with more than 10,000 photographs and a lot to ponder. Contrasts 21c is a photo essay about people and places in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia that hopes to bring attention to the cultural diversity of this region and its challenges. The warmth of the people they met, their adaptability and spirit are what inspired this book. 


With nearly 600 years of history, involving plots, intrigue and paranormal activity, it is surprising that no one has ever before written the definitive history of the Rye House in Hertfordshire. The Rye House – An Investigative History aims to do just that. Through meticulous research, Phil Holland has written this fascinating account, taking the reader from the House’s fifteenth-century origins, through to Tudor times when Catherine Parr spent part of her childhood there; to the Rye House Plot of 1683 – a plan to assassinate King Charles II and the Duke of York; to the widely reported paranormal activity and apparitions; and finally to the present day. The Gatehouse is all that now remains of the fifteenth-century brick-built fortified manor. It is a Grade I listed building and a Scheduled Ancient Monument and as such is protected by law. The Moated Enclosure is considered to be one of the finest examples of the period in Hertfordshire. 

It is hoped that this book will enthuse people about the Gatehouse and the history of the Rye House, and that they in turn will come to treasure the building and recognise its importance as a piece of our country’s history.